Friday, October 24, 2008


Don't forget - meeting Sunday Oct. 26th @ 4pm at Slomans - bring your float design ideas/sketches/pictures etc!

See you then!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Krewe Meeting

Don't forget about our Krewe Meeting THIS Sunday - as in - 2 days from now -

9/28 @ 4pm - At the Slomans Casa

See you there!!!

Bring your ideas/designs for T-shirts and Float, we'll take a vote on the shirt design so I can order those in the next week or two.
Also you MUST have at least $25 in dues paid by Sunday to be in the Krewe - after that you can continue paying in chunks or all at once (all monies due by late of January) later. The $25 must be in at minimum to lock you in for a shirt!

If you've got a friend who you think would make a great addition to our Krewe, please feel free to invite them to the meeting to join in!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Upcoming Meeting - August 31st 2008

We are going to have a KREWE Meeting for all Members and Potential Members on August 31st - Time TBA - check back here for time!

We'll be discussing Mardi Gras 2009 Theme Ideas for our Float/Krewe as well as the details of the Chili Cookoff for January.

Bring your $10 per member monthly dues. If you haven't been paying since March you can pay yourself up in full, all members must be caught up by December 15th to participate in the Chili Cookoff and Pensacola Grand Mardi Gras Parade. Monies will be deposited on Tuesday the 2nd of September into the Krewe Bank Account at Suntrust Bank by our Treasurer - Tony W.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Mardi Gras 08 - Part 2

Mardi Gras 08 - Part 1

This is slideshow part one!

If you took pictures at the parade and haven't been able to get copies to me please do so ASAP so I can compile and make master disks for all krewe members!

Remember our next krewe meet is April 12th @ 1pm!!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Shirts are ordred....

Well guys.... the shirts have been ordered, the float is well on it's way... and we are counting down the days for the parade........

Can't wait!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Screweball Krewe Ball

Members of Le Krewe du Brew - there will be a krewe ball - the first annual "Screwe Ball" will be held on Saturday January 26th

Contact Elizabeth or Chad for more details!